Darragh Grealish

56K.Cloud reaches AWS Advanced Partner Status!

(Updated June 2022) After 4 years of working with AWS we finally reach a new strategic level with our AWS partnership. Not only does this position us very well as a top Swiss partner but one of the few local partners to achieve this. Just ahead of the Swiss Region launch in H2 this year!

In the first three months of this year, we brought more, AWS revenue in than the entire previous year! And on 20th April 2022, we reached the Advanced tier, (actually we have 3x times the Premier Tier ARR requirement!)

So how does that change our plans with AWS? It merely accelerates our growth to further expand the partnership and specialize across AWS services! This aligns perfectly, with the upcoming region launch.

To date we've worked on projects ranging from AWS Direct Connect (DX), Outpost (OPZ) (Edge Cloud and 5G), Containerization on AWS ECS, Fargate, and EKS (Kubernetes). We've specialized in Terraform automation with Gruntworks and Hashicorp, and GitOps with GitLab and GitHub. Over the past year, we've been developing our IoT and Embedded Systems Engineering too. We recently completed work with ARM and AWS to enable Hardware Root of Trust (HW-RoT) with AWS Greengrass V2 and ARM PARSEC. Our partnership with AWS is not only customer engagements but engineering too! We are happy to have developed this knowledge and experience over the past four years with AWS and are ready for further engagements with existing and new customers!

The COVID-19 pandemic didn't stop us in our focus on building up the partner tier requirements for Advanced, we are happy with the support the AWS Partner Management team provided us. Matthias Egli and Stephane Broquere were instrumental in advising us in reaching and meeting the requirements!

Pictured here is the core team as well as Jochen Zehnder (maybe behind the camera!).

Our engineering teams span from US, Ireland, and Switzerland (French and Swiss German regions of Switzerland) we are managing 7 active projects across the public sector, telecoms, SaaS/ISV, and utilities. These types of projects range from IoT, Machine Learning, Advanced Cloud Automation and Security (DevSecOps)

Some of our key partners in our journey who share the success with us, Gruntwork and ARM.

“We’ve worked with 56.Cloud for many years and we’re excited to see them get AWS Advanced Partner status. We’re looking forward to future projects and an even stronger relationship with AWS.”Yevgeniy (Jim) Brikman - Co-Founder, Gruntwork Inc (

With ARM we recently completed some joint work in bringing end-to-end, Hardware Rot (Root of Trust) to AWS Greengrass V2.

Other related activities across the AWS ecosystems have been on the Developer Relationships and Tech Community! Jochen and Darragh joined the AWS Community Builder members over the past 9 months!

So what's next? The run-up for sure has been exciting for the team and our customers, getting certified and writing up more about the learning journey. We've also collaborated with other AWS Partners in enabling them too. In terms of competency, we are on the road to a range of tracks, from DevOps, Security, and IoT to Telco. As our experience has stretched into the Telecommunications industry. We have been positioning ourselves in this vertical to share our learning over the past five years in cloud migrations and automation and look forward to building on that success. With our recent AWS Outpost competency, we are now listed as an AWS Outpost partner (Link).

We were also glad to have met Nicolas Ott and Stephane Broquere from AWS at the Berlin Summit on 11th May 2022.

Where can you meet us?

Want to meet up? In May: Darragh will be attending AWS Berlin Summit and

About 56K.Cloud

Enjoyed learning IoT and Security, If you’d like to know more about 56K.Cloud or the benefits of Cloud Adoption, Container and DevOps Automation, IoT, or 5G, book a meeting with us.

You can also let us know where in your Cloud Journey you are, and we are happy to get in touch with you. Fill out the cloud quiz here.

56K.Cloud is an AWS Services Partner and Gruntwork Partner. Together we enable organizations from startups to large enterprises across various verticals to migrate and adopt public cloud technologies in their business.

Some cows in a field, yes, we work on "AWS Greengrass on Greengrass! " as cows look at the clouds every day... But the cloud is a real thing too! Below here's an example of a generic hyper-scale type data center!

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Darragh Grealish

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer