Darragh Grealish

Year 2020 at 56K.Cloud

We are happy to close off 2019 with an exciting year for 56K, partners and our customers, after reaching great milestones we are happy to kick-off the next decade with a few exciting 2020 goals!


  • Launch the new 56K.Cloud website and Brand! (blog)
  • Grow the Team, Expand our Presence
  • Community Outreach, Training, and Workshops (blog)
  • Focus on Applied R&D

New Brand and Website

Finally, after quite some months of work, our collaboration together with StudioVolia (Julien and Diago) and Jon Glarbo (Logo, colors and early     concepts). We can share that work today here on our new website.

You may have seen some snippets of this work from various slide decks and conferences shared from late last year. This week we officially launched our new website and our designers submitted the new design to the Awwwards! We believe having a strong brand is as important in delivering a strong service to our customers and community, therefore we have invested in allot of time and effort into making a lasting impression. This is not only from a marketing perspective but also to clearly communicate not just in the tech industry but to a wider community. As technology becomes ever more ingrained in our daily lives we need to position ourselves correctly in the minds of the wider scope of businesses that can benefit, be inspire and support them in their cloud journey.

To know more about our journey there and the work we’ve invested in, feel free to check back next week for our next post next: "Branding a Tech Company to non-Tech community".

Growing the 56K Team and Office

This year gets off to a great start, we are excited to announce that Jochen will join the 56K.Cloud team starting in February.

Before the holidays we expanded into Winterthur, Switzerland and later this year we are also expanding to Zug, Switzerland along with our current Zurich office.

Community Outreach, Training, and Workshops

February 5th-9th, the 56K Team will be heading again to the Swiss Alps, a small village; Ftan in the beautiful Engadin area. After five years of hosting at Hochalpines Institute Ftan, the Swiss Socrates Unconference. We are again happy to sponsor and attend (3 of us) from 5-9th February 2020. more info here, www.socrates-ch.org (fully booked, but there is a waiting list open).

March 18th Together with AWS we will be hosting the next Docker Switzerland meetup in St. Gallen. The focus on containers in the cloud for Finance and Banking sector. We will see talks from IPT, AWS, DigitalSpace and ourself 56K.Cloud. RSVP Link: https://www.meetup.com/Docker-Switzerland/events/268446669/

Coming Soon: April/May: We will host in Winterthur for another evening. This time Docker on the Edge and Cloud; the event will focus on Manufacturing and Logistics, around the theme' Enabling DevOps to the factory floor.

Focus on Applied R&D

This year we are scouting to do something different then "Classic Consulting" we want to invest some time together with our partners into R/D and particularly projects that are focused on delivering and impact, not just paper based research. We've started to work closely with a few applied universities in order to support in the implementation and development of such projects. It's earlier days but we are will be bring updates in a future blog post

Find out more about 56K.Cloud

We love Cloud, Containers, DevOps, and Infrastructure as Code. If you are interested in chatting connect with us on Twitter or drop us an email: info@56K.Cloud We hope you found this article helpful. If there is anything you would like to contribute or you have questions, please let us know!


Darragh Grealish

Co-Founder and CTO